את רשימת הקישורים הבאה, קיבלתי מתגובה לאחד הראיונות שערכתי בערוץ היוטיוב שלי.
אין ספק שיש כאן מידע מרשים שהולך יד ביד עם המידע שמגיע מדין הנדרסון וחוקרים אחרים איתם אני נמצא בקשר כבר זמן מה.
מקווה שתהנו מהמידע הזה, שימו לב: למיטיבי לכת בלבד!
September 29, 2014 The City of London’s strange history https://www.ft.com/content/7c8f24fa-3aa5-11e4-bd08-00144feabdc0
The author of the above article: Lord Glasman – UK Parliament https://www.parliament.uk/biographies/lords/lord-glasman/4240
WCIB | Worshipful Company of International Bankers https://internationalbankers.org.uk/
24 February 2011 The tax haven in the heart of Britain https://www.newstatesman.com/economy/2011/02/london-corporation-city
Mon 31 Oct 2011 The medieval, unaccountable Corporation of London is ripe for protest | George Monbiot | Opinion | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2011/oct/31/corporation-london-city-medieval
MAY 2013 Kick bankers’ man The Remembrancer out of Parliament: Ros Wynne-Jones Real Britain column – Ros Wynne Jones – Mirror Online https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/kick-bankers-man-remembrancer-out-1874811
4 July 2015 London is now the global money-laundering centre for the drug trade, says crime expert | The Independent https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/london-is-now-the-global-money-laundering-centre-for-the-drug-trade-says-crime-expert-10366262.html
April 6, 2016 Panama Papers reveal London as centre of ‘spider’s web’ https://www.yahoo.com/news/panama-papers-reveal-london-centre-spiders-173713142.html
OpenEye: The Crown Corporation http://openeyeblog.blogspot.ca/search/label/The%20Crown%20Corporation
10/23/2019 The City Of London | Left Hook by Dean Henderson https://hendersonlefthook.wordpress.com/2019/10/23/the-city-of-london/
The Spider’s Web: An investigation into the world of Britain’s secrecy jurisdictions and the City of London. http://spiderswebfilm.com/
1:18:01Independent POV Published on Sep 14, 2018 The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire (Documentary) – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=np_ylvc8Zj8
The Panama Papers: Exposing the Rogue Offshore Finance Industry – ICIJ https://www.icij.org/investigations/panama-papers/
Paradise Papers: Secrets of the Global Elite – ICIJ https://www.icij.org/investigations/paradise-papers/
Treasure Islands: Tax Havens and the men who stole the world | A book by Nicholas Shaxson http://treasureislands.org/
“… “Canada is a good place to create tax planning structures to minimize taxes like interest, dividends, capital gains, retirement income and rental income,” reads a 2010 internal memo from Mossack Fonseca, the law firm behind the massive Panama Papers leak of 11.5 million documents detailing global tax avoidance and evasion. …”
January 25, 2017 Canada is the world’s newest tax haven | Toronto Star http://projects.thestar.com/panama-papers/canada-is-the-worlds-newest-tax-haven/
April 29, 2018 A history lesson for Americans. You’re still British. – Patriots for Truth https://patriots4truth.org/2018/04/29/nobody-won-the-american-revolutionary-war/
09/07/2019 Who’s Behind The 5G Cull Of Humanity? | Left Hook by Dean Henderson https://hendersonlefthook.wordpress.com/2019/09/07/whos-behind-the-5g-cull-of-humanity/
More background on SERCO and SES:
11-04-2018 Tentacles of SERCO Strangle America – American Intelligence Media https://aim4truth.org/2018/04/11/tentacles-of-serco-strangle-america/
About Serco Group plc https://www.serco.com/about
Further background on the City of London:
The author of this 1945 book was a U.S. Army vet of the Great War who later woke up. From page 3 of the .pdf: “… When the propaganda mills began their characteristic grind towards war in the early 1930’s, the writer began a more definite study of international power politics, and soon found it an entrancing and revealing subject. There was, however, no more free speech; and the most amazing documented aspects of a vast secret world order of International Finance could find no hearing in a situation where some Congressmen denounced overwhelming Nationalist expression of views in their mail as mere organized subversion. …” ‘Sound familiar?..
The Empire Of “The City” – the-empire-of-the-city.pdf https://www.1215.org/lawnotes/misc/the-empire-of-the-city.pdf
The Empire of The City: E. C. Knuth: 9780944379127: AmazonDOTcom: Books https://www.amazon.com/Empire-City-C-Knuth/dp/0944379125
The Anglo-American Establishment : Carroll Quigley : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive https://archive.org/details/carrollquigley_angloamericanestablishment
Amazon.com: The Anglo-American Establishment (9780945001010): Carroll Quigley: Books https://www.amazon.com/Anglo-American-Establishment-Carroll-Quigley/dp/0945001010
The Anglo-American Establishment: A Ph.D.-Level Reading List | Tragedy and Hope Media https://tragedyandhope.com/the-anglo-american-establishment-reading-list/
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